
After a long hiatus....

I have decided to resurrect The Female Angle. :)
It has been a crazy year. I've got a lot of stories to tell, and a lot of pictures to share. Life is good. Complicated, as always, but good. There are some exciting and amazing new experiences coming my way, and I'll do my best to keep you all updated.
For now, I'll leave you with the most important thing that I always knew, but never really took to heart as much as I have this year: No matter how good or shitty life is, how amazing or terrible a day of fishing is, how much you love or hate your job, how rich or poor you are, the thing that matters most is family and good friends. So to all of you who have been there for me, made me laugh or let me cry, kicked my ass when I needed it or wrapped me up in a big hug, forgave my fuckups and celebrated my successes, thank you.
I wouldn't be where I am today without you all, and I love you.


Anonymous said...

It's great to see you back, Adrienne! Sometimes life just gets busy and I know it can be time consuming blogging, especially when inserting pictures and stuff (and all the little nuances I don't have the hang of yet, which is why our blog hasn't been updated in forever). There's two of us and we can barely manage, so kudos! Looking forward to reading your blog again ~ Cheers!

Paula said...

Love you to Xoxo
-chipmunk ;)

Unknown said...

Welcome back Ade!

Anonymous said...

You're awesome miss comeau. <3 makes me wanna start updating mine again.. lol